Northern Cyprus - general information


Northern Cyprus is one of the most attractive destinations in the Mediterranean region. This statement may seem strange to some, but this is only at first glance. Rich history, magnificent climate, luxurious natural landscapes, cozy beaches, numerous attractions and cities unique in their architecture - these are just a few reasons in favor of spending your next vacation here. Once you visit Northern Cyprus, you will definitely want to come back here again. Or maybe move forever.

So what is life really like in this piece of paradise? We will try to consider the most important aspects.

From the history of Northern Cyprus

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is the name of this small and almost unrecognized state. It's not in the news too often and isn't yet often chosen as a family holiday destination. Ordinary people know almost nothing about the history of this part of the legendary island, and the very fact of gaining independence through a military coup causes distrust among many. Meanwhile, the country continues to live and develop. Moreover, today Northern Cyprus is increasingly attracting the attention of tourists, investors and those who consider it as a place of permanent residence.

Northern Cyprus is almost 38% of the territory of the large island, which until 1974 was a single state. Over its centuries-old history, Cyprus was under the protectorate of various empires, but in 1960 it gained independence from Great Britain and began to develop independently. The island was predominantly inhabited by Greeks and Turks, who until a certain point coexisted quite peacefully with each other.

But then interethnic relations worsened and a constitutional crisis occurred. In 1974, the island was divided into two parts - the northern part, controlled by Turkish Cypriots, and the southern part, in which Greek Cypriots lived. A few years later, the formation of a new state was announced - the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.


Today, about 300 thousand Turks live here, more than half of whom are immigrants from the southern part of the island and from the eastern regions of Turkey. As for life in Northern Cyprus, even before the division of the island this territory was considered more comfortable and favorable for the development of tourism. Due to the political situation, interest in the Republic as a tourist mecca decreased for some time. But in recent years, the number of those who would like to relax in local resorts or buy real estate here has been steadily growing,

which is not at all surprising: after all, life in this paradise has many advantages. There is interest in local universities where foreign students can receive a decent education. Investors who want to make a profitable investment have also become interested. The northern part of the island has many interesting historical places, luxurious beaches and an excellent climate. Northern Cyprus has good prospects for economic and social development.


Advantages of living in Northern Cyprus

A piece of paradise is by no means a figure of speech, but a real assessment of life in Northern Cyprus. So what makes the country attractive to foreigners? Here are just a few advantages of this territory:

  • fast and simple procedure for obtaining a residence permit;

  • high level of security and almost complete absence of crime;

  • transport accessibility;

  • developed infrastructure;

  • mild climate and good ecology;

  • variety of historical and architectural attractions;

  • ample opportunities for organizing leisure time;

  • reasonable prices for holidays and real estate.

There are many arguments in favor of Northern Cyprus. Let's consider each of them in detail, and also try to understand all the nuances associated with living and relaxing in this point of the earth.


The mild Mediterranean climate and amazingly beautiful nature are the main reasons why people come here on vacation or choose Northern Cyprus to live. At this point on the planet there is no autumn or winter that is familiar to us: summer lasts from March to November, in the remaining three months residents enjoy the warm spring. The average daily air temperature in the summer months is +30 °C, during the rest of the period – +15 °-18 °C. The water temperature near the coast in summer is +23 °-28 °C, and in December-February – +18 °C. Therefore, you definitely won’t need winter clothes and shoes.

But you will have to replenish your wardrobe with beach clothes: Northern Cyprus has a lot of sun - almost 340 days a year. But there is no sweltering heat here, characteristic of the islands in the Indian ocean or Caribbean sea. Ideal conditions for an even and beautiful tan! By the way, the mild, moderately stable subtropical climate of Northern Cyprus is considered the most comfortable and healthy.


Economic situation and currency in Cyprus

The economy of Northern Cyprus is based on free market relations. The main segment is tourism: almost 70% of GDP is based on industries in one way or another related to serving tourists. It should also be noted that Northern Cyprus is dependent on the Turkish economy.

Although there are still some restrictions due to political differences, business is showing stability. Most of the problems are associated with a lack of public and private investment, high transport costs, and a shortage of qualified labor. Among the main features of the local economy are the low tax rate (only 5%), a well-thought-out pricing policy and the active attraction of private investors in the real estate sector.

The official currency of Northern Cyprus is the Turkish lira. You can also pay in dollars, euros, and British pounds.

Visa regime

As noted above, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a partially recognized state. You can enter from Turkey without any problems. Moreover, you don’t even need a visa, which is a definite plus. Passport control is carried out right at the border; you need to have documents and a ticket with you. Having health insurance is also not required.

You can stay in the country for no more than 90 days without a visa. If you plan to stay here for an extended period, you will need to apply for a work, business or student visa.

A work visa allows you to legally carry out labor activities in the country. Typically, the paperwork is handled by the employer or the foreign citizen himself through the migration service.

Doing business is also possible only after completing the relevant documents. The procedure takes a minimum of time. To obtain permission, you must open an account with a local bank in an amount equivalent to the company's authorized capital. In addition, you should indicate the type of activity, provide a copy of your passport, and indicate the legal address of the company.

A student visa is issued for the entire period of study at local universities. Foreign citizens who have lived in the country on a student visa for more than 7 years have the right to obtain citizenship and stay in the country forever.

Another option to stay in the country in legal status is to buy real estate and obtain a residence permit. In addition to the certificate of ownership, it is necessary to confirm the availability of sufficient funds for living. The procedure for obtaining a residence permit takes no more than two weeks. The permit is automatically issued to all family members of the property buyer. The opportunity to obtain citizenship and permanent residence permits appears after 12 years of residence with a residence permit.


Banking system

The banking system of Northern Cyprus is closely related to the Turkish one and operates according to similar rules. Thanks to the development of tourism and economic growth, the banking sector has been seriously modernized in recent years. Now it is focused on the interests of clients. Local banks carry out transactions with minimal commissions, and the cost of service is negligible.

Advantages of the banking system:

  • complete confidentiality;

  • the ability to remotely manage accounts;

  • fast processing of documents;

  • support for foreign clients;

  • non-disclosure of information about banking transactions.

The main financial organization is the Central Bank of Northern Cyprus, which takes responsibility for monetary, credit and exchange rate policies. In addition to state-owned banks, there are private banks and representative offices of international organizations.


Foreigners can open accounts in banks in Northern Cyprus, especially if the citizen has purchased real estate in the country. But you need to be prepared for a thorough check of documents. One important condition is set before clients - complete openness of activity. As in all other countries, transactions related to terrorism, fraud and other illegal activities are prohibited.

Ecology and safety

Northern Cyprus is famous for its good ecology. There are practically no industrial facilities that pollute the air. All operating enterprises are equipped with modern cleaning and filtration systems, due to which they do not pose a danger to the environment and human health.

As far as safety is concerned, You can hardly find a more peaceful place. Crimes are committed very rarely here, and even then they are mostly minor offenses. Local residents can safely go to the store or to the beach without locking the door.


Education system

The education system of Northern Cyprus is built according to British standards. There are excellent learning conditions here at all four levels - preschool education, primary school, middle school, and higher education. There are public and private schools in the country, education is conducted in Turkish and English. There are additional education institutions.

Higher education can be obtained at 23 universities operating in the largest cities of Northern Cyprus. Foreigners are actively studying: about 100 thousand students from other countries come to the country every year. Due to the fact that students study according to the British system, diplomas from local universities are recognized abroad.


Medical care is organized according to the highest international standards. Both public hospitals and private clinics operate here. Medical institutions are equipped with modern equipment, and highly qualified doctors treat patients.

Government hospitals admit and treat patients free of charge. Moreover, not only local residents, but also tourists can ask for help. Calling an ambulance is also free for everyone. This is an important feature of local medicine, since in almost all European countries tourists have to pay for services. The only exception is dental treatment: there are simply no free dental offices in Northern Cyprus. Private clinics in Northern Cyprus are open to everyone without exception.


More than a million tourists visit Northern Cyprus every year. This is a country with a rich historical heritage and rich cultural life, so there is a lot to see. On the territory of the state, 6 medieval castles, ancient temples, and ancient buildings have been preserved. Do you want to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of ancient legends and see monumental buildings from different eras with your own eyes? Buy a ticket and go on a trip to Northern Cyprus.


Cities of Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus is made up of four large cities, traditionally having two names - Turkish and Greek:

  • capital of the state Lefkosa (Nicosia);

  • Girne (Kyrenia) is the most popular resort town among travelers with its azure sea, pristine beaches and magnificent nature;

  • Gazimagusa (Famagusta) – a city with the ghost quarter of Varosha, as well as majestic medieval fortresses;

  • Guzelyurt (Morphou) is a quiet corner for fans of secluded relaxation.

Disadvantages of living in Northern Cyprus

If you decide to go to Northern Cyprus, you must be prepared for certain difficulties. Firstly, the hot climate of the country is not suitable for everyone. Secondly, you may have difficulty driving on the left. In addition, the standard of living of the population may not seem high enough.

But despite everything, Northern Cyprus remains an excellent place for relaxation and profitable financial investments. Tourism, construction, the social sphere, the real estate market, and the entertainment segment are actively developing here. This means there is no reason to refuse to get to know this country.

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